unity in the body of christ,people praying,revival,christian,


Is there a greater call for unity than Jesus’ heartfelt prayer for His disciples in John 17:23?

“That they may be one as we are one – I in them and you in me – so that they may be brought to complete unity.  Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.”

Jesus, throughout His life sought to show that He and the Father were ONE ; one in Spirit and one in unity with each Other and those that are to become His own children are to be equally one with Him but first one body united in purpose. If we are to unite with Christ and thus in God, we have to be united as the body of Christ.

Imagine the mind says it wants to study, but the legs say they want to play football, the hands says it wants to cook and the eye just wants to sleep.

What a state of confusion!

That body can’t achieve anything. All parts have to be united in purpose to get anything done, or to make any sort of progress.

The prayer of Jesus is that his followers not just come to unity but to complete unity, that when the body of Christ is looked at, all they see is a people who are chasing one goal-the spread and glorification of Jesus.

Until the body of Christ can achieve this complete Unity that Jesus prays for, gaining the world for Jesus might be an impossible feat.

Today, decide to do your part by unifying in purpose with your brethren around you and more so, by praying continuously the prayer of Jesus for complete unity.

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