Revival Post


The lifting up of our voice to God in one accord is an important element in bringing about a revival. The outpour of God’s Spirit recorded in Acts chapter 2 happened as the disciples were in one place and in one accord, waiting for one experience that would change the lives forever.

Today, if we would see a new wave of God’s revival in the Church and in the world at large, the body of Christ must unite and be in one accord as well. This is why Christ Jesus was so insistent in his prayer to God  “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” (John 17:21). 

Only Unity can experience Revival and Productivity. 

The Church is one body (Eph. 4:4), and every part of the body must function together. Where the head turns, in line with scriptures, the body follows.  Anything short of this would hamper the church’s potential and ability to reach the world and bring about a revival on the earth.

As believers therefore, we must be indefatigable to hold on to the spirit of peace that ties us, we must be unified in essence and purpose. This is God’s desire for us.

Prayer for the unity of the body of Christ

Today, take time out to pray for unity in the body of Christ.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments; As the dew of Hermon, and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion: for there the LORD commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.

Psalm 133:1-3

1. Father in the name of Jesus, cause the church to be baptized with the spirit of love and unity that we may be ready for the coming Revival

2. Oh Lord, we bind every spirit of darkness seeking to cause rebellion, disunity, selfishness, conflict and misunderstanding in the body of Christ.

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48 thoughts on “UNITY IN THE BODY OF CHRIST”

  1. Gabriel Ikponmwosa

    This article is so profound and it will go along way in bringing the needed unity in the Church that we may experience Revival that will breed Productivity.
    I am indeed blessed by this.

  2. Gabriel Ikponmwosa O.

    This article is so profound and it will go along way in bringing the needed unity in the Church that will make us experience Revival that will breed Productivity.
    I am indeed bless by it.

  3. When two or three people are gathered in unity, great things shall happen. For Revival to happen, I agree that there must exist love and unity in the house of God.

  4. Amen
    In one Accord we seek you father
    Rebellion we bind in the name of Jesus
    As christ in you, as we shall be in one Accord and within you for the move of your spirit

  5. “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand”, today Christianity has lost relevance because of division amongst the believer’s but love is a language understood by all.

  6. Victory Omenihu

    Only unity can experience revival and productivity. Oh Lord cause the heart of your people to be united in the body of Christ. Thank you @Dr Isaiah Wealth for always speaking the mind of God.

  7. Luvuyo Wonder Mkhatha

    United we stand, devided we fall, this statement is very true when it comes to the body of Christ. More than preaching, this needs prayers as unity will see us achieve unimaginable things in the name of Jesus.

  8. Fortune Mkhatha

    I love this. Unity being the key to the revival in the body of Christ. Such as recorded in the book of Acts. As believers if we want to experience revival and productivity, we must be unified in purpose. Ohh Lord baptize the church with the spirit of unity.

  9. Oh lord cause oneness of mind in us as the church oh lord and let unity reign so that we can have a greater influence on the world in Jesus name Amen

  10. This is a very important element that is most times not given much focus, yet it can be a great hindrance in ushering in the revival of God.

  11. I agree with everything said in this article, we truly need the spirit of love and unity for us to rule over the world

  12. wow, only Unity can make the church experience revival and productivity.
    When we are united, we become a force that the devil can not stand.

    Oh Lord, let your church be baptized with the spirit of unity and love that we may be prepared for the revival that is coming. Amen

  13. Unity is the key if the church must experience revival. This is an espect that has been weaken in the church today whose effects is very obvious around the world.
    If the church must experience revival then coming together as one is not negotiable.

  14. My eyes have been opened to the importance of unity in the church
    I will certainly take out time to pray for oneness in the body of Christ

    1. Khauhelo Mosanteli

      I am very greatful for this article and all I pray for is for oneness in the church. Unity in the body of Christ is an urgency. There must be no division in the house of our Father if we must experience more and more of Him. Glory to God!

  15. Promise Uche-Okwudili

    Oh lord we ask that reunite your church with ur spirit of unite that we may see ur power again in our churches

  16. Father let there be unity in the body of Christ. Let us have one voice, one midset and let there be oneness amongst us as it’s a prerequisite for the upcoming revival.

  17. Mmakagisho Love Sekoala

    Bind us together Lord God with Your Love! Grant us a shared will for Your purpose that Your will may be done Father God!

  18. Taelo Donald moshobane

    Unity is key if want to experience the power of God as the body of Christ, a house divided against itself can not stand..Lord let us be united as one in unity, love

  19. This article is one of a kind🙌🏻 🔥🔥 Father we pray for Love, peace and unity in the church and body of Christ 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  20. Andy Nii Ayitey Mettle

    Thank you Lord for such an insightful article.
    May we experience unity in the body of Christ fom this day onwards.

  21. This message must be heard by all the christian bodies because it is very profound in explaining and elucidating the importance of uniting as the body of Christ

  22. Unity is power when the church is United it functions as one in one accord and the devil has no power to scatter it

  23. Wooow!!! Help us Lord to be united with one heart, mind and vision. Help Lord be in one accord in all that we do.

  24. We pray Lord for the all the important spirit of oneness and unity to reign in the body of Christ in these last days according to your will in Jesus name.

  25. Victor Motsoasele

    I felt the ministration of the Spirit as I was reading. I was being inspired in my spirit about this topic. Surely the inspiration of the Holy Spirit is in this message: it is more than an article.


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