Revival Post


Throughout Christian history, certain men and women have been used by God as vessels to usher in revivals of various magnitudes in different parts of the world. In this section, we would be referencing such great Generals and bringing to light their efforts and sacrifices in working with God to bring about a revival in their time.

Today, we would be considering the life of William J. Seymour of the famed Azuza Revival.

Lacking formal education and blind in one eye, he taught himself to read, mainly through reading the Bible. While in Houston, being persuaded by a friend to attend Chares Parham’s bible school, Seymour became convinced that Parham’s teaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, with the initial evidence of tongues, was Biblical and added it to his already established Holiness theology.

On February 22nd, 1906 William Seymour arrived in Los Angeles and went on to hold meetings at a small church in Santa Fe Street. The teaching on tongues so vexed the founder of the Sante Fe church, Sister Julia W. Hutchins, that when Seymour returned for service in the evening, he found the doors locked. Fortunately Seymour had been asked to lunch at the home of Santa Fe Mission member, Mr. Edward Lee, who felt sorry for this displaced and needy preacher and gave him temporary accommodation.

A Man of Prayer

Seymour spent a lot of time in prayer and in fasting, going on to be known as a man of uncommon prayerfulness. Seymour was described as “humble,” “quiet” and “soft spoken.” William Durham said of him: He walks and talks with God. His power is in his weakness. He seems to maintain a helpless dependence on God and is as simple-hearted as a child, and at the same time is so filled with God that you feel the love and power every time you get near him.

Seymour would normally sit, deep in prayer with his head covered inside a box. The preaching was simple and direct and covered themes like salvation by a personally accepting Jesus as Saviour, sanctification by renouncing sin and  worldliness, abandonment of strict traditions and the legalisms of man-made religion, the baptism of the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues, divine healing and the return of Jesus. He usually spoke especially from the Gospels, Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, Ephesians, Hebrews and the book of Revelation.

Seymour invited his host to join him in his prayer times. Much to the consternation of Mrs. Hutchins, other members of Santa Fe began to feel a spiritual leading to be at these prayer meetings. 

A Revival is Brewing!

Initially, these meetings were attended mainly by some servants and a few of their husbands. Despite the lack of personal experience of a baptism with the biblical proof of speaking with tongues, Seymour forged on in faith and assurance that the blessing was on its way.

News of the meetings and of this man who was preaching and expecting the next move of God, soon began to spread,  by late March 1906, white believers had joined the meeting and were actively seeking the baptism with the Holy Spirit as evidenced by speaking with other tongues. A revival was already brewing!

At this point, Seymour announced a ten-day fast to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The entire group fasted and prayed. On the evening of Monday, April 9, 1906, on his way to a meeting, Seymour on his way to a meeting, went to pray for Edward Lee for a healing.  Desiring to receive the baptism with the Holy Spirit, Lee asked Seymour to pray for him. He did and Lee immediately received and began speaking in other tongues. This was the first time anyone received the baptism with the Holy Spirit when Seymour prayed for them.

Rushing to the meeting, Seymour related what had just happened to Brother Lee to the packed meeting. Lee then began to speak in other tongues as he lifted up his hands. Impetuous and fervent prayer for the baptism with the Holy Spirit ensued throughout the house. Soon their prayers were answered when Seymour and seven others fell to the floor, speaking with other tongues as they received the Holy Spirit baptism.

The impact of that Revival is still reverberating around the world today, reminding us that God is every ready to bring a revival on the earth if only men like William J. Seymour would consecrate themselves and partner with God to make it happen. Would you be the William J. Seymour of our time to bring a revival to your family, workplace, city or nation? You can with the help of the Holy Spirit.

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71 thoughts on “WILLIAM J. SEYMOUR”

  1. Indeed, Great men of old have laid the foundation for us these last days. Such is William J Seymour. And I know of a Man, Dr Isaiah Wealth whom God is using this age. And im so glad to be connected to him.

    This below strucked me.

    He walks and talks with God. His power is in his weakness. He seems to maintain a helpless dependence on God and is as simple-hearted as a child, and at the same time is so filled with God that you feel the love and power every time you get near him.

    Thank you Lord for your great worjs

  2. Priscilla Adigwe

    Thank you Lord. The joy that filled my heart while reading this article. Glory to God! My prayer life is up.

  3. Oh God make a channel of fire to bring forth your revival to many around me , Oh God of isaiah Wealth Revive the nations

  4. Dr John Adjarho

    My God liked the way ” William Durham described William J Seymour: He walks and talks with God. His power is in his weakness. He seems to maintain a helpless dependence on God and is as simple-hearted as a child, and at the same time is so filled with God that you feel the love and power every time you get near him.
    I want that to be my testimony

  5. I really feel like this is the time that I should bring the revival to this worlds just like William j Seymour, for the world needs to hear about God

  6. Without a doubt REVIVAL is a desire of God. And it is soon upon us. I position myself to be in this squad. Thank you for this piece

  7. It is so inspiring hearing of generals like Williams J. Seymour which were instruments of revival in their time. Even more, I am so excited that a greater revival is coming, and for this to happen, we have to consecrate ourselves and partner with God.

    Help us Lord

  8. Uche-Okwudili promise Tochukwu

    Yes lord I await your revival set us on fire again that we may push it kingdom to ends of the Earth and prevail over the systems of this world.

  9. Thank you Lord for William J Seymour. What a revival. Lord we know you will do it again, in the last days for our generation.

  10. Waoooo…. This couldn’t have come at a better time.. It’s fresh and highly needed for we believers, reminding us of the mind of God in these last days, and compelling strongly unbelievers to the love of God..
    Thank you so much sir for this platform of revival in our personal life’s and our church today

  11. Prince Kingsley Yakanu

    Great great vessel of God
    Yes sir
    I would be the the William J. Seymour of our time to bring revival to family, school, city and nation at large Sir.

  12. Humility is indeed a virtue that makes God have full control over our lives. Thank you for this sir. I learnt that my weakness should be my strength in God.

  13. Hmmmm….a mam who walked with God. The testimony of William J.Seymour is worthy of note. This is the kind of relationship with God that can birth a revival in our time

  14. Mmakagisho Love Sekoala

    Help us to be as little children in Your Presence Lord… ever dependent on You Father God! Oh that You would hear our cry for revival LORD! We cry with humble expectation Lord! I choose to consecrate myself unto the Lord that I may be used of Him!

  15. Khauhelo Mosanteli

    I am so inspired, this is the revival that I desire! May the Lord help us to become part of the next revival such as this one

  16. Gabriel Ikponmwosa O.

    This is worthy of emulation.
    Help us oh lord to be a tool in your hand to birth the next move of revival that will transform many lives all over the world and usher in your second coming.

  17. Andy Nii Ayitey Mettle

    Glory to God!!
    What a general of God!
    Holy ghost partner us that we may see this kind of burning revival in our day!!
    Brew this revival in my heart!

  18. Fortune Mkhatha

    My God… God working through His generals on the earth…. Ohhh Lord we cry out for a great revival… Reign Lord.

  19. Oh how we need this as a young generation. The rare fire and power of The Holy Ghost, For the revival of this dying world… Only the Gospel can transform the nations

  20. This article is a trigger to believe and have faith in the requirements for the manifestation of God’s power in this last days. Thank You Lord for the Azuza revival, we are also trusting You for the Nigerian revival and that of other nations, as we approach your second coming. I crave for the outpouring of your Spirit and living Fire 🔥,I long to be in the fore front with my man of God Dr Isaiah Wealth

  21. This article is a trigger of belief and trust for desiring the charismatic manifestation of the power of God in this last days of a ravaging sinful and cold world full of evil plots from hell.I long to be in the fore front of the last days revival with Your Servant Dr. Isaiah wealth.Lord let there be a speedy outpouring of your Revival Spirit and the living fire 🔥

  22. We will see yet another great revival in our time. As for me and my house we will be at the forefront of this great revival

  23. What an inspiration from one of God’s generals.
    This just shown that if we are revived enough with lots of desire for God we can actually outgrow our circumstances (one eyed man) to be part of the revival agents of the world today.
    Lord Pls trigger our heart.

  24. I feel inspired by this article… How William saw the move of the spirit and caused revival in the land … I am stirred up to be the William of my time


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