“Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he” — Proverbs 29:18

Spiritual counters and visions are one of God’s ways of communicating His intentions, His will, and His desires to His

people. God does not at any time want His people groping in the dark concerning any aspect of life, especially in their walk with Him and so, under the subject of revival, He is very much interested in ensuring that we know what to do per time or what not to do in order to experience the revival He has promised.

Consequently, let us consider a vision shown by the Spirit of God to an intercessor to prepare the Body of Christ for revival. The Holy Spirit is ready to nudge you towards the right actions to bring about a personal and community revival. Here are excerpts of the vision.

Here are excerpts of the vision.

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As I prayed in the morning, i was in a vision where I saw Prophet Isaiah Wealth walk up to the altar in the church auditorium, carrying a naked baby and he stretched out his hands with the baby and said “just as you can see this baby I am carrying, i want you to know that everything you do is as naked before God as this baby is, nothing is hidden before God and all that you ever have and know is from God’

Suddenly, the baby disappeared from his hands and the Prophet came down from the pulpit and he began walking by the front row of the Church. He continued speaking to the church but as he spoke, it seemed as though it was Jesus Himself speaking. He said, “I want to present my bride to the Father without wrinkles, and I want you now to drop all forms of grudges, bitterness, evil competitions, pride, and arrogance amongst you.

Let every addiction go, stop remembering past hurts, let them go, I know your shortcomings but do not dwell on them anymore, some of you make references to your brother’s yester- years mistakes and hurts, drop them now, the dirty discussions you dwell on and allow in your homes have deprived your homes of My presence, let them go now.”

As he continued addressing the people, his face was changing to that of Jesus, with so much blood on him. He continued, “I want you to come let us reason together and bring your strong reasons.”

I then saw that as He spoke, people were already on the floor crying and rolling uncontrollably and His words were fighting and dealing with addictions and all shortcomings in people that were limiting them.As he continue to walk around the church speaking to the people about their battles, I heard a voice say to me, ’the brokenness of their hearts will bring about revival.’

I saw that all the Apostles, the Reverends, Pastors and everyone sitting from the front seats to the last seats at the back were all rolling on the floor, crying like babies as He kept saying, “I know your addictions and all you do behind closed doors, they are all open before me, but I want you to let to of every experience that made you bitter and embrace me with all your heart with all your strength and with all your might.” As I heard all these words, I also began to cry out loud and I came out of the vision.

Sis. C Benson

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