Unity in the body of christ, Christian Revival, Revival Post, Revival.


In this county, 80 out of a 100 pastors would gather together to pray. This included the native, Korean and Hispanic churches, it became a multi-cultural expression of the body of Christ.

Pastors would hold joint community services with people coming together in their thousands.

Grant Fishbook, pastor of Christ the King said “This is an unbelievable blessing, Trust has been built over time as the message sunk in that we are not each other’s competition. Our competitor is the devil, but we are family and on the same team. We love each other and want to live that out. Now the pastors text and call each other for encouragement and drink coffee together, because there’s a genuine interest in what is happening with each part of the family. They ask: How are you doing, how can I pray, how can I support you”?

Shawn Cunningham, pastor of Hillcrest Chapel said of these great happenings, “When we exalt Christ, it brings us together. We have seen a growth and increasing unity among churches in Whatcom County and that has come through the power of prayer. Prayer by nature unifies God’s people”.

God established a highly successful safe-house ministry for women who were survivors of human trafficking.

The Church also responded to the foster care crisis; helping orphans fund homes and restoring hope and bringing salvation to the lost, rejected, and broken.

International communities were not left out as 12 other cities in America and cities in Indonesia, Czech Republic, Australia, and the United Arab Emirates have adopted the prayer strategy and are beginning to see transformation in their Christian walk and their communities. When Ivan Montenegro was asked how come this exponential growth, his response was, “It’s the fire of God through Prayer”.


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