Revival is coming to Nigeria, One sound wave, One sound revival


The fire of past revivals was dwindled and even quenched by corruption, division, materialism, personality clash, greed, and idolatry. The worship of

money and agendas to uproot Christianity in the land are evidence that the Church is losing her fire.  

Nigeria, like many other African countries, has become a killing field of defenseless Christians as she is now home to some of the world’s deadliest groups, Boko Haram, ISWAP, and Armed Fulani herdsmen. Recent reports revealed that there are close to a million unreached people groups and close to half a million Muslims who need Jesus.

We need another great revival and we need it now! Thankfully, the promise of a coming revival has re-echoed louder in recent times, especially through tested prophetic voices in and around Nigeria. We should not at any time ignore these prophetic voices.

The following is an excerpt of a prophetic voice about Nigeria; “…He (God) wants to establish His covenant in the earth, He wants to do mighty things for which He will be remembered so that when we want to talk about God, we will not reach back into the last 23 years and recall Benson Idahosa and recall the great prophet Babalola but He will walk this world in my time because of the arrangement of the mingled Spirit, there will be no insufficiency for the Bible says the Spirit Himself, He swallows up our insufficiency.

Something is about to happen in Nigeria, a new set of youths with a new life will emerge. They will never be stopped, they will go beyond the borders of Nigeria and bring witness to the nations of the earth because the Spirit of God will be unleashed from their vessels.

The best story of Nigeria has not been told, men are coming, women are coming, pastors are coming, prophets are coming, apostles are coming, a new order is coming because the Spirit of God will be unleashed.

The river flows, there is something that cannot be corrupted coming, there is something that cannot be killed coming. In those days, the killers of strangers will hide their faces, because our God will be valiant in that day, nothing shall stop Him. The days of Jacob’s troubles will not be many, for salvation shall come to her, be comforted oh ye that weep, for He shall appear with glory and no man shall stop Him.

The Lord will come to Nigeria, I see Him come, He will garnish Himself with great splendor and majesty and nothing shall stop Him. He will set foot upon the land and the strong will hide their faces.

For I beheld in the spirit, and I saw 2 angels standing high up into the clouds and He said to me, judgment is already at the door,” for the days of Jacob’s trouble shall not be long. He says visitation, visitation, visitation, visitation, for I will visit with my people, I have heard their cry from their taskmasters and I am come down to visit my people, I will come with fury, I will come with vengeance, with fire, those days are upon you, says the Lord. I will raise unto you, David. David will rise as a sign that my covenant with your land still stands before me.

I have sealed David and nothing will stop him. Your weeping will not be for long, your days of mourning shall be cut short, your mourning shall be turned to joy, for I have sealed David and your days of visitations are upon you. I will bring ambushed into the camp of your enemies and they shall fight amongst themselves and the slain of the Lord shall be many.

Then will I release the wealth of your nation, then, will I release the prosperity of your land. In that day of your deliverance, your true wealth will be released.”

Such comforting words! God has not started with Nigeria and every believer in and around her shores has to remain in consistent and intense prayers.

Pray these prayers for Nigeria now and always.

Isaiah 4:4

When the Lord has washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and purged the bloodshed of Jerusalem from her midst, by the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning,

Oh Mighty God, purge the foundation of Nigeria with the fire of the Holy Ghost, that our nation will remain an instrument of world revival in the name of Jesus.

Jeremiah 12:14

Thus says the Lord concerning all My wicked neighbors who strike at the inheritance with which I have endowed My people Israel, “Behold I am about to uproot them from their land and will uproot the house of Judah from among them”.

O Lord, visit every seat of authority and power  in Nigeria with your fire, uproot, dethrone, consume, anything that is not according to your will that righteousness may prevail in every part of this nation, in the name of Jesus.

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