Reality of prophecy



Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord GOD does nothing unless He reveals His secret to
His servants the prophets.

The great importance of prophecy to the body of Christ today is the extant Word of God to encourage and guide His people. A prophetic message is “a word fitly spoken” (Proverbs 25:11), from God, “good for edifying, as fits the occasion, that it may accord grace, faith to those who hear” (Ephesians 4:29).
These may be words of comfort, assurance, exhortation, admonition, exposure, and correction- all of these are intended by the Spirit to bring and maintain renewal in Christ’s church, to cause the church to move forward, grow and mature according to the will of God in their Faith in God and all that concerns him.
Let us examine one of such prophecies as given by the Prophet of God.

On Saturday 6th November 2021, during a session of the Greater Glory Gathering (G3 Intl. Conference) which was held in Lagos, Nigeria, the prophet of God, Dr. Isaiah Wealth, rendered a prophecy regarding the imminent passing away of a president who has a connection to Nelson Mandela.
Let us consider an extract of the prophecy in his exact words.

“By the way, that reminds me about what I saw, I was sitting there and I saw a president in a coffin and I saw this motorcade and I saw through the coffin and I was seeing this man and I hear someone saying in his death, comparing him to Nelson Mandela, and I saw this president pass on a big loss, I was watching this while Ron Kenoly was ministering”

Now, take note of the following:
-That the Man of God mentioned that he saw a President.
-That the Man of God says that he sees this President in a coffin.
-The Man of God establishes that this man would be compared to Nelson Mandela in his death.

Barely 5 days after this prophecy by the man of God, on Thursday 11th November 2021, news headlines reported the demise of Ex-South African President, FW De Klerk, the last Arpatheid President of South Africa who handed over to Nelson Mandela, just as prophesied by the man of God.

The degree of accuracy of the description given by the man of God in his prophecy, establishing that this president would be compared to Nelson Mandela, is thoroughly amazing.

Number 1: On February 11th, 1990, FW de Klerk freed Nelson Mandela who had been incarcerated for 27 years.
Number 2: FW de Klerk was the last Arpatheid President of South Africa who handed over power to Nelson Mandela in 1994.
Number 3: They both worked together to put an end to apartheid in South Africa.
Number 4: In honor of his role in the peaceful transition to democracy in South Africa and bringing an end to apartheid, FW de Klerk earned a Nobel Peace Prize together with Nelson Mandela in 1993.
Number 5: As an ex-President of South Africa, it is expected that he would receive a State Funeral, just like Nelson Mandela, as prophesied by the man of God about seeing a president in a coffin, in a motorcade.

This confirms the prophecy rendered by the man of God just 5 days before and again proves that nothing is hidden from the eyes of the Almighty, who reveals His counsel through His prophets according to His own will to cause the believers and the body of Christ to believe in the supremacy of God over all the affairs of men.

…the Lord GOD has spoken! Who can but prophesy?
Amos 3:8

You can watch the full clip of this prophecy and many more and their confirmations on our YouTube channel @Isaiah Wealth ministries- “FW DE KLERK – JUST LIKE MANDELA: WHAT I SAW 4 DAYS BEFORE HIS TRANSITION – PROPHET ISAIAH WEALTH”

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