The journey to supping with Jesus, the journey to a revival is detailed all over the scriptures
and Revelation 3:20 captures that journey.

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and opens the door, I will come into him, and will sup with him, and he with me.”

The willingness of the Father to bring us to Him and Him with us is not in question. His willingness is too consistent for us to doubt. Why then do we not experience revival? Here are some questions we really need to ask:

1. Can you see Him at the door?

Oh! how beautiful it is to always have the Saviour at our door, desiring to come in, and how painful it must be for Him to realize that we are too vested in ourselves, too lost in our own desires, our wants and needs to open our eyes, to lift up our heads and see that we have the King of Glory at our door!

Can you see Jesus at the door of your heart?

When He gently nudges you that He awaits your presence in study, or He awaits your presence in prayer. Lift up your head today and see Him at your door.

2. Can you hear Him knocking?

For some, the Holy Spirit has been knocking on the door of their hearts for so long that they have tuned out His knocks. He is so gentle, He will not force Himself on you. He will wait for an invitation from you. When you suddenly feel you should be worshipping rather than talking or sleeping or you should just

simply wait on Him, when you can ‘hear’ a gentle knock interrupting your usual activities, this is you recognizing and acknowledging that you have a “guest” at your door, the most important one of your life.

3. Will you open to Him?

How joy fills His heart when He hears your spirit calling to Him, telling Him to come in! When you can see Him at the door and you can hear His knock, and you open up to Him, it will lead to the revival you seek!

A revived man is a man who constantly sups with the King of Glory, who does not just stop at seeing Him or stop at hearing a knock but also opens up to fellowship with Him each time He comes.

This is how to prepare to receive revival. Begin to repent of all the times you have not seen Him, heard His knock, or opened up to Him, and start being deliberate about inviting Him in and attending to Him. As you consistently continue in this direction, revival will be the result. Glory to God!

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