Am I entitled to healing as a believer?
Most definitely!
In the Old Testament, God shows Himself as Jehovah Rapha; the Lord who heals.
Exodus 15:26
“…for I am the LORD that healeth thee.”
In the New Testament, Christ is also revealed as a healer.
Acts 10:38
“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.”
Healing is at the core of God’s will for you, He has always wanted you healed and He still wants that for you, even today.
Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Let us consider one case where God through His prophet, Dr. Isaiah Wealth ministered healing.
During a DREAM SUNDAY Service aired LIVE via satellite and on Youtube to viewers in over 20 countries around the world, the man of God, Dr. Isaiah Wealth rendered a word of Prophecy of a sister with a pain around her back region.
In his words to her, “Is there something wrong with your back? Close to your waist, tell me, do you feel a pain in your back?”
“I have not been sitting well for a long time without feeling back ache”, she responded.
The man of God continued, “Now I will do exactly what the Lord told me to do. Turn her back”, he instructed.
He then laid his hands on her back and she fell under the power of God.
A week later, she came back to confirm and testify about her healing.
An excerpt of her testimony, “I was shocked when he called me out of the crowd because nobody knew I was going through that kind of pain, not even my pastors or friends.
It had been going on for about 2 years now. In the past, my father had these terrible pains and he was diagnosed by the doctors as having LUMBAGO, he could not sit, stand, sleep.
I realized I had those same symptoms.
Sitting down for long, standing and sleeping in one position were all difficult for me. This is the power of God, the man of God touched my back and immediately, it was as though something was set, something just went right. It had been so painful, I had to stop ushering but now i can stand for more than 2 hours. I am completely healed.”
Located by prophecy and healed by the power of God! Glory to God! What a testimony! Seeing the pain she had been in, bodily and emotionally, the oppression and limitation Satan had placed on her for years and then the relief, healing and peace she had received from the ministration of healing, should cause a great joy and faith in your heart.
If you find yourself in the same situation of needing healing, connect by your faith to this testimony and indeed God is faithful and just to heal you.
You can watch the full clip of this healing and many more on our YouTube Channel @Isaiah Wealth Ministries- “INSTANT LUMBAGO HEALING-TOUCHED BY PROPHECY, Epi 106”

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