Healing miracles



Healing is Jesus’ most common miracle. They were part of Jesus’ ministry of signs and wonders.
Can the kind of miracles Jesus did in his time still happen today? Undoubtedly, yes! He does not change.
Malachi 3:6
For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.

The God of the Bible is the same God today.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever.

God is always known to favor His children (Psalm 84:11), and like a good father, He delights in giving His children what they need.

Matthew 7:11
If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father, which is in heaven give good things to them that ask Him?

If we are sick, we ought to have the boldness and confidence to ask for healing. The same God who parted the Red Sea, healed the lame, gave sight to the blind, and raised
the dead are still in the business of healing.
Let us consider one of such times, when God through His Prophet, Dr. Isaiah Wealth healed a lady of Asthma.
In the month of April 2016, the Prophet gave a prophetic word of a sister he had to pray for the lady in question had difficulty breathing, a medical condition known as Asthma.
The man of God further mentioned that this problem began not too long ago, she was not born with it, neither was it in her immediate bloodline.
In the words of the man of God, “there is a lady God wants me to pray for. I saw in the visions of God that you just noticed you had Asthma, it was not there before, your father does not have it, your mother does not have it, you were not born with it, you just discovered not too long ago that you had Asthma”.
While he yet spoke, a lady walked out to confirm the word of prophecy rendered by the man of God. She said she noticed she had Asthma 2 years ago in 2014 and that neither her father nor her mother had it.
The man of God continued, “I will do what I saw in that vision”, he moved close to her with his palm close to her face and he said “Breath, in and out, I declare you free from Asthma in the name of Jesus”, and as he prayed these words over her, she fell under the power of the Holy Spirit and to the amazement of both the man of God and the entire congregation, she sneezed as she fell under the anointing. Weeks later, she confirmed that the symptoms started in 2014 and she was referred to a private hospital, she had nose bleeds, and nausea and was transferred to a general hospital, and that was where she was diagnosed medically as having asthma.

She was unable to cook, fry, unable to use deodorants and body cream, and now she testifies saying, “I no longer use my inhaler, I no longer avoid cooking, sweeping, I now use deodorants and body cream comfortably.

Her Testimony
I just want to thank God for using our man of God.
This can only be done by the power of God.
Glory to God!
You are not exempted from healing, no matter what ails you or your loved one, you can get your healing.
As this miracle stirs up faith in your heart, continue in that same atmosphere and keep praying in faith.
Surely, your miracle is next in the name of Jesus!

You can watch this clip and many others of the healing power of Jesus on our YouTube channel – Isaiah Wealth ministries.

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