“Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you” (2 Corinthians 6:17).

God will not come to a mixed multitude, He will not come to the “World”, He wants to come to His house, His people, and He has to come first through you and me individually. Thus, the need for everyone to do their part and be separated unto Him. In previous editions, we emphasized the need for separation in physical things which is very important but in this edition, we want to focus on the consecration of the mind, the separation of the mind. The bible tells us that it is what comes out of a man that defiles the man, and what comes out is affected by what goes in. You can only produce from what you have ingested. This is why it is important to daily separate yourself in your mind unto God, daily watch your thoughts; What are you thinking in the morning, noon and night. What are the things informing your thoughts? You daily speak to your mind, filter your mind, remove and replace thoughts and patterns in your mind that conform you to the world by daily infusing and meditating on the word of God. This is the transformative power of God -His word. His word sanctifies us and when we are sanctified, we can easily experience revival.
As the world informs your mind that Christianity is a life without power, just before your mind begins to ponder on it, to accept and build on that information, you must speak to your mind from the truth and reality of the Word of God in your spirit, that Christian life is one of power!
You have to daily speak to your mind and to your body that you are whole and complete in God! Speak to your mind that you are the head and not the tail! Speak to your mind that lines are falling unto you in pleasant places this year! Speak it and believe it because your spirit agrees with the word of God and you just have to inform and transform your mind to align with your spirit!
This is the person that will experience revival -a man who separates himself to sound thoughts and sound words!


Pray this prayer of consecration over yourself now and every day;
In the name of Jesus, I consecrate my life again today to the Holy Spirit as I present the members of my body to Jesus Christ as instruments of righteousness.
I ask for the blood of Christ to cleanse me and all that pertains to me.
Holy Spirit, fill me now as I bring all that I am, all I know, and all I have under the rule and the dominion of Christ in Jesus name. Amen!!

“A forgiven sinner is quite different from an ordinary sinner, and a consecrated Christian is quite different from an ordinary Christian.” – Watchman Nee

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